Friday, March 29, 2013


Lighting of Easter Candles
Every year, during spring, Catholics celebrate the Holy Week (Holy Days), and this goes on for  seven (7) days – Monday to Sunday.  The last day is often called as Easter Sunday (in commemoration of the ressurection of Jesus). This feast often falls on the month of March or April. Normally, these months celebrate the presence of Spring in certain countries having four (4) types of weather every year. Sunday marks the last day of the celebration as have been traditionally referred to by Englishmen as 'Easter Sunday,' and from where this reference has originated is what we are to expound to you.

The word “Easter” (Feast of the Passover) came from the root words garnered from the olden “politheism” religion (worship of many heathen gods), which was completely agreed upon and given emphasis by many bible scholars. This word has never been used in the original works of the holy scriptures, and it has never had any relevance of the truths written in the holy scriptures of the bible. Because of this, it is but appropriate to use the term “Resurrection Sunday”  instead of  “Easter” if  we would pertain to the earlier manner of remembrance by the Christians regarding the ressurection of Christ.