Friday, March 29, 2013


Lighting of Easter Candles
Every year, during spring, Catholics celebrate the Holy Week (Holy Days), and this goes on for  seven (7) days – Monday to Sunday.  The last day is often called as Easter Sunday (in commemoration of the ressurection of Jesus). This feast often falls on the month of March or April. Normally, these months celebrate the presence of Spring in certain countries having four (4) types of weather every year. Sunday marks the last day of the celebration as have been traditionally referred to by Englishmen as 'Easter Sunday,' and from where this reference has originated is what we are to expound to you.

The word “Easter” (Feast of the Passover) came from the root words garnered from the olden “politheism” religion (worship of many heathen gods), which was completely agreed upon and given emphasis by many bible scholars. This word has never been used in the original works of the holy scriptures, and it has never had any relevance of the truths written in the holy scriptures of the bible. Because of this, it is but appropriate to use the term “Resurrection Sunday”  instead of  “Easter” if  we would pertain to the earlier manner of remembrance by the Christians regarding the ressurection of Christ.
Easter (Semiramis)
The word “Easter,” which has been emphasized in most of the holy scriptures that has direct relevance to this term, was derived from the word Eastre, which means Goddess of Spring of the Germany, Scandinavin, and England. However, in truth, this word originated in an earlier era, during the time of the Tower of Babel. According to the bible, this term was used after the Biblical Flood.

The flood is a clear indication of the anger of God to mankind as a form of judgment when evil had completely reigned in the hearts of many, and most of them had not followed or sought His favor. The bible indicated their unclean ways that have spread to the entire human race, and most of the dictates of their hearts are merely in the practice of their evil ways.  (Genesis 6:5, NKJV). 
Because of this, it is not difficult to think that life cannot be endured with this widespread evil during this era. Never theless, God has given another chance to mankind, and this was shown in the manner of saving good souls during that time – Noah and his seven (7) offsprings.

After the flood, Noah was bequeathed with an intelligent but evil great grandson, Nimrod (Genesis 10:6-10) who have rebelled against the will of God.  According to the holy scriptures, this person possessed great strength and power, and was a cruel leader or lord. These attributes gave him the power to influence all of the people to rebel against God. It cannot be contested that, in history, Nimrod has not merely been known as a political leader but also as a head priest practicing an occult manner of praising and praying.

It was recorded in the bible that Babel, Asshur, Nineveh and Calah (Gen 10:10-12) are large cities that were established and organized by Nimrod.

When Nimrod died, his wife, Queen Semiramis immediately presented him as the sun god. With the turn of the centuries, In different cultures, he  has been known as Baal (the Great Life Giver), the god of fire, Baalim, Bel, Molech, and more

Later, Semiramis gave birth to an illegitimate son, and he was named as Tammuz, who was the alleged reincarnation of Nimrod. According to her, Tammuz has no biological father since he was conceived from supernatural forces. This is presumably the promised seed and savior – believed by Semiramis to be the promise of God in Gen 3:15. Thus, worship was not merely centered on the child (Tammuz) but also to his mother, who was known to receive more praise and service compared to her son.

Nimrod was known to be the god of the sun and father of creation while Semiramis introduced herself as the goddess of the moon.

In the short stories of the mystery cults, their savior is Tammuz, to whom they praise with different types of rituals during the time of the spring season. After he was killed by the wild boars, he went to the world of the dead (underworld). But because of the deep lament of his mother, it was believed that he had ressurected simultaneously with the growth of plants during the spring season. The spring festival is a yearly celebration of the (perceived) ressurection of Tammuz from the world of the dead.

That said, the horrible false religion of Babylon has grown – with the practice of sun and moon worship, priests, astrology, devil worship, worship of stars associated with the false gods, idolatry, mysterious rites, human sacrifice and more.

Tower of Babel
The tower of Babel (city of Nimrod) has initially been built as a reminder of the rebellion of man towards God, and has been a part of the religion of Satanism. This archeological evidence shows an admirable pyramid-shape structure (ziggurat). The Bible has emphasized to us that, at this particular time, there was a certain language in the world, and most of its population was engaged in this area and is united with the aforementioned religion.

God is aware that mankind will soon attain the utmost level of evil, which, in the past, has compelled Him to send the great flood on earth. In the benefit of mankind, God needs to do some things to halt or delay the  atrocious things from reigning on earth under the governance of  a highly vicious government.

God approved confusion to emerge with regards to the different types of languages that ensued so that the people in that time won’t be able to comprehend what the other says (Gen 11:7). This led to the division of people who, at first, merely spoke one language; and, as a result, they left the Tower of Babel.

Most of these people left, bringing along their own religion within them, which teaches the praising and serving of the Sun-god. They continued to worship the stars and practice their ungodly religious rituals. Many of them has also created pyramids like the Tower of Babel, as part of their mysterious religion.  Currently, we can still find the remains of this in Iraq, South America, Central America, Egypt, and Burma.

The tower of Babel was the origin of this system of idolatry, which gradually spreads its foolishness and madness  in different countries.  (Jer 51:7). The bible often mentions the religion of Satanism which had come from Babylon.

Herodotus, who was a Greek historian,  has witnessed the mysterious religion and its countless rituals performed in different countries, and he mentioned how Babylon was the very first origin of this system of idolatry. From then on, up to the present time, this has been an inhumane system – in the field of religion that had started in Babylon. From this, the contemptible idolatry system is shown to be the beginnning of the current religious systems.  Almost all of the blasphemous acts like idolatry began at Babylon, and these are because of Queen Semirami (who was supposedly the Mother of god) and Nimrod (who was her husband).

Meanwhile, the people of Babel, with their various languages, who went to different places, continued to use different names of Nimrod (Tammuz) and Semiramis. Many of them called the Mother goddess "Ishtar," which, in later times, was pronounced as "Easter." In other areas, she was called as Eostre, Astarte, Ostera, and Eastre. The other names of Semiramis includes: Wife of Baal, Ashtaroth o Ashtoreth,and  Queen of Heaven.

The Mother goddess of the pagans is often worshiped as the Goddess of Fertility,  Mother Nature,  Goddess of Spring, and sexual love and birth. She was also worshiped by pagans as a mediator of god to man.

Easter (Semiramis)
"Easter" is a common name of a woman, who has the strength to deceive humanity, and her religion caused the unforgivable suffering and destruction of many souls. Clearly, she was an enemy of the true Christians of God, and her son, Tammuz, was an anti-christ - a false messiah, who, later, deceived billions of people in the world.

Clearly, in history, the pagan Roman Catholic Church has put the name of Jesus with the word Easter, and the date for its celebration is during Spring - the specified day of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. The use of the word Easter, attached to the name of Jesus, is a clear deception of the teaching to all of mankind.

The ancient customs or traditions of the pagans do not pertain to the resurrection of Jesus which is being celebrated, but it is the actual resurrection of Tammuz. Again, this article aims to reveal the fraud and deception of the Catholic church to humanity. As with Sol Invictus (pagan sun god), who, history says, was born on the 25th of December and this date was made as the day of the birth of Jesus – after all, Jesus was also known by the pagans as the sun god (based from images depicting the sun as his halo). Because of this, it is evident that present history presented the supposed date of Jesus' birth and the date of his rising again from the dead has never been claimed as the truth.

Sol Invictus
The pagan Roman festival for the annual celebration of Easter is, then, the corrupted customs that were currently celebrated in the greater part of Italy. The incomparable power of Catholicism in the country had incorporated the name of Jesus to well-known characters in history (Sol Invictus and Tammuz), and had violently implemented and added this form of identification of Jesus to their number of existing pagan gods.

The religious festival of the "Holy Days," which includes Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday and Easter is not found in any incident which was written by the servants of God (prophets) in the holy scriptures. These are derivative works of teaching, which was used by the pagans in their many impure and ungodly spiritual practices. Eventually, these have been written and pieced together by their Roman brothers to patch the untruthful religious doctrines of Christianity by Paul.

Because of this, there is no holy basis of biblical truth to consider this festival of the pagans as the path towards true holiness. Sabbath is the only practice that is in accordance with the law of the Father in heaven that we should all observe, and this falls only on Saturday. On this day, we are all required to worship and praise God. It has never been acknowledged that this day should be done on a Sunday. Moreover, the situation celebrating the resurrection of Jesus was never meant to transfer the holiness of Saturday (the 7th day of the week) to Sunday (the first day of the week).

If the biblical truths of the Holy Scriptures are to be tackled and discussed, the religious doctrines that were created by the Roman pagans can be strongly contested and shown to be as lies. This manner of living practiced by whosoever follows this shows obvious rebellion and a clear revocation of the significance of the teachings in the bible. 

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