נ ה י = Yohan
(Apostles) (Mark/Luke) (15th Cntry AD)
י = Yod - Y - Yo - (Ιη) Ie - Jo
ה = he - h - ha - omitted - h
נ = nun - n - n - (ν) n - n
In the Illustration above, the root word נ ה י Yohan accurately describes the actuality of the sound that has to be expressed by anyone in order to harmonize with the basic nature of the word.
However, neither Greek IEN nor English JOHN, (since this is a binary erroneous presentation of the original sound) are, in fact, part of the truth. We do not mean to consider these imaginary names as factual manifestations of the past whatsoever. Rather, this is in view of the certainty that these were fractions of massive fraud committed by the few ignoramus in the 15th century.
“God is giving a name in every generation. YOHVAH to Adam. ALYON to Meschizedek. ADONAI to King David. El SHADDAY to Abraham. EHYE ASHER EHYE to Moses. ELOHIM to Solomon. AHURA MAZDA to Zarathustra. I-HU to Mohammed. ABBA to Yohvshva Cristo. KWANZEON BOSATSU to Siddaharth Budha. SATNAM WAH-I-GURU to Nanak. IZME I AZAM to Omar Khayam. RADHA SOAMI to Sant Jaimal Singh.
Consequently, be one with yourself brothers, for the new name of the Father in our generation awaits its victors.”
The Paulinian church preachers have ignored the truth about the names, for this is only being rewarded to those who successfully obeyed the will of the Father. Since the preachers of the said church, with regards to denominations, totally embraced the traditional doctrines of Gentile Mark, Luke and Paul, they have completely lost all chances in the world to acquire the name of the Father in all the generations that they have passed till present time.
In baptism, since they have no knowledge about the Names whatsoever, this particular sacrament is then practiced in a convoluted manner. Instead of baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, most people performed such a ritual by way of John, and in the name of Jesus - which totally contradicts the will of God within the Son of man as commanded to the true apostles written in Mat 28:19.
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Illustration 8 is very clear to me. Deception is not new to Paul. Trully, he is the father all anti-crist in the world.